DATA.OUT CONTACT MECHANICS Surface =DHC.Kokoku.West.PPbarrel.rev11Feb14 C(q) numerical Elastic Contact Area average separation u(zeta), u1(zeta) and P(u) FLAG PARAMETERS: iflag0 (=0, elastic contact area and pressure distribution) = 0 (=1, elastoplastic contact) iflag1 (=1, adhesion, without plastic yielding) 0 (Note: G correction factor = 1 assumed in adhesion) (=2, adhesion, also pressure dependence) (=3, adhesion, also pressure dependence and u(zeta), u1(zeta)) (for this put sigma very large--of order ~rmsSlope*ElasticModulus) (otherwise not converged result) (=4 adhesion at a distance (put iubar=1 in IN.mathematical to get fast calculation)) (if iflag1=4 put interaction potential parameters in IN.CAPILLARY) iflag2 (=1, read in powerspectra C(q) numerically, otherwise analytical from header) = 1 (but even when C(q) read-in numerically, cut-off q0 and q1 from header) (if q0 smaller than smallest q (=qmin) in read-in C(q)indata, then C=0 for q0 E=|E(1/time)|, =2 or =3 --> relaxation modulus (1/E)(t)) iflag5 (=1, layered material: exact numerical, =2 exact analytical) = 0 (give info in input IN.1ThicknessTopLayer... data file) iflag6 (=1, capillary adhesion: work of adhesion) = 0 (=2, capillary adhesion: contact area at fixed p0) iflag7 (=1, heat transfer: contact and non-contact contribution) = 0 (=2, heat transfer: contribution from capillary bridges) iflag8 (=1, leak-rate: critical junction (cj), several pressure upto p0) = 0 (=2, effective medium (em) seal leak-rate, several pressure up to p0) (problematic for flowfactor < 0.01 due to P(u) inaccuracy) (=3, leak-rate, combination cj+em theory, several pressure up to p0) (requires first run with iflag8 = 1 and 2, gives fluid flow factor) (flag8 = 1 or 2 gives also fluid pressure flow factor) (=4, leak-rate as a function of fluid pressure, cj theory) (=5, leak-rate as a function of fluid pressure, em theory) (4 and 5 includes the fluid presssure induced elastic deformation of the seal surface) (=7, calculate seal-integrals B and C for pressure p0) iflag9 (=1, squeeze-out: critical-junction (cj) sealing theory) = 0 (for infinite rectangular (width w); also for circular R=[sqrt(2/3)]w) (=2, squeeze-out: effective medium (em) sealing theory) (problematic for flowfactor < 0.01 due to P(u) inaccuracy) (=3, squeeze-out: em+critical junction theory before using iflag9=3, first run with iflag9=1 and 2) (put Np=Npforflowfactor large enough to get good pressure flow factor) (If iflag9=10,20 or 30, read in pressure flow factor, assumed already calculated using iflag8 > 0 (leak-rate) or iflag9 > 0 (squeeze-out)) iflag10 (=1, squeeze-out: sj or em or (cj+em) sealing theory)= 0 (=10, the same for viscoelastic cylinder) (for cylinder geometry including fluid-induced elastic deformation) (before using iflag10=1, first run with iflag9=1, 2 or 3) iflag11 (=1 or 2 mixed lubrication: mu(v) cylinder-flat, analytical or numerical u(p)) = 0 (=20, 21, 22, mixed lubrication: mu(v) cylinder-flat, generate u(p), phi_p) (=30, 31, 32, the same as for 3 but with <1/u> = \int dz [-A'(z)]/u_1(z) (=20, 21, 22 define fluid pressure flow factor (usually use 21) (20 --> cj, 21 --> em, 22 --> cj+em, and the same for 30, 31, 32 (with -1, -20,-21,-22,-30,-31, or -32 velocity-down (decreasing v) (but first must calculate velocity-up with 1,20,21,22,30,31 or 32) (with pressure and shear flow factors,) (with and without friction flow factors) (with shear thinning when calculating ) (put bthin=1.0E+30, cthin=0.0 to remove shear thinning) (put Np=Npforflowfactor large enough to get good pressure flow factor) (choose iSphere=0, 1, 2 (in IN.MIXEDLUBRICATION file) to get cylinder, sphere or ellipse) (Note: in mixed lubrication for layered material, the top layer is included when) (calculating u(p) and flow factors, but not for the macroscopic) (elastohydrodynamic deformations; this assumed the top layer thin enough) iflag12 (the same as iflag11 but for viscoelastic case) = 0 iNonlinear (=1-->include strain softening of viscoelastic modulus) = 0 POLYNOMIAL FIT and SMOOTHING (if npoly = 0, no smoothing): npolyCq (order of polynomial smoothing of Cq) = 0 npolyab (order of polynomial smoothing of aT and bT) = 0 npolyE (order of polynomial smoothing of E) = 0 PHYSICAL INPUT PARAMETERS: sigma (squeezing pressure in Pa) = 0.1200E+07 Poisson ratio = 0.5000E+00 Elastic modulus E (Pa) = 0.5800E+07 Yield stress (Pa) = 0.1000E+08 Interfacial energy (J/m^2) = 0.5000E-01 MATHEMATICAL INPUT PARAMETERS: if ispline = 1 --> linear spline, otherwise cubic spline. ispline = 1 reducefhq = 0.5000E+00 reducefP = 0.3000E+00 sigcorrection: factor enhancing adhesion pressure = 0.1500E+01 Elastic energy correction factor (=1 original Persson theory)= 0.4000E+00 Use 0.4 for this parameter; used for adhesion and interfacial separation for adhesion, q0h0Max (the maximal q0h0) = 0.3504E-02 for adhesion, nq0h0 (number of points along q0h0 axis) = 40000 for adhesion, delq0h0 (steplength along q0h0 axis) = 0.8321E-07 for adhesion, q0h0Start (start value along q0h0 axis) = 0.1752E-03 xjump: the fluid flow factor is calculated analytical for \bar u/h_{rms}>xjump = 0.3000E+01 idonot=0 make pressure flow factor continous at xjump, =1 not continous = 0 for adhesion, fractionq0h0Start (the ratio q0h0Start/q0h0Max) = 0.5000E-01 for adhesion, if irubberrough=1 --> roughness on rubber side = 1 in adhesion calculation pressure varied from sigma to downto*sigma, downto = 0.1000E-02 for adhesion, mixin old gamma with factor xmix = 0.9000E+00 delnn (step length along zeta-axis) = 0.1000E-01 Np=Npforflowfactor (number of pressure values for flow factor) = 110 number of Monte Carlo steps in calculation of E(time) = 40000 number of relaxation terms in calculation of E(time) = 30 iubar = 0 --> method 0i; =1 --> method 1 = 1 (iubar = 0 --> direct integration of p=-dUel/du for baru, u1 and P(u)) the following 3 parameters only used if iubar = 0 or iflag003 = 20 or 30 pfraction: sigmaMax=pfraction*x*rmsslope; use of order 2.0 = 0.2000E+01 pm: delpmu=pm/(1.0*Np); use of order 20.0 = 0.2000E+02 Npu: pmu=delpmu*i, i=1,..,Npu; sigma=sigmaMax*exp(-pmu); use of order 4000 = 4000 computational time (minutes) = 0.2833E+02 zeta-results for h0/h0Max = 0.5002E-01 0.2400E+00 0.4300E+00 0.6200E+00 0.8100E+00 0.1000E+01 zeta-results for P/PMax = 0.1000E+01 0.8002E+00 0.6004E+00 0.4006E+00 0.2008E+00 0.1000E-02 INTEGRATION PARAMETERS: number of zeta-integration points nn= 1423 step-length in zeta-integration delnn= 0.1000E-01 number of q0h0-integration points nq0h0= 40000 step-length in q0h0-integration delq0h0= 0.8321E-07 SUBSTRATE ROUGHNESS DATA: surface =DHC.Kokoku.West.PPbarrel.rev11Feb14 measured root mean square road roughness in meter = 0.1766E-04 root mean square roughness from C(q) (m) = 0.2366E-05 long-distance cut-off wavevector q0 (1/m) = 0.1047E+04 (if q0 negative (positive) gives cut-off (roll-off) between |q0| and qr if analytical C(q) or between |q0| and min q if read-in numerical C(q) from IN_ROAD...) short-distance cut-off wavevector q1 (1/m) = 0.1585E+10 qcutoff=q1/q0= 0.1514E+07 A_total/A_0 = 0.1242E+01 rms slope = 0.7664E+00 to get rms slope 0.1 replace h0 with= 0.2304E-05 ELASTIC CONTACT: A_el/A_0 = relative elastic contact area at maximum magnification = 0.3133E+00 A_el/A_0 = relative elastic contact area at maximum magnification, accurate = 0.3730E+00 percolation (for A/A0 > percolation, no leakagle) = 0.4200E+00 q = magnification x q0 (in 1/m) where global percolation occur [A(z)/A0=0.42] (no adhesion) at p=p0 = 0.6980E+09 q = magnification x q0 (in 1/m) where local percolation occur [A(z1)/A(z)=0.42] (no adhesion) at p=p0 = 0.4981E+08 (Here is is assumed all roughness included down to atomic scale i.e. q1 = z1 x q0 approx 1/nm ASYMPTHOTIC AVERAGE INTERFACIAL SEPARATION PARAMETERS: u0 parameter in p_cont = beta E* exp(-u/u0) (m) = 0.1199E-05 alpha parameter = h_rms/u0 = 0.1974E+01 beta parameter in p_cont = beta E* exp(-u/u0) = 0.2372E-01 pressure pc below which finite size effect (Pa) = 0.3618E+02 average separation uc above which finite size effect (m) = 0.1022E-04 stiffness K at pc (Pa/m) = 0.2999E+08